Slow Down the Shortening of Telomeres (Our Body’s Actual Age) and Restore Youth at a Cellular Level


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Have you ever wondered why despite being the same age, some look significantly more radiant or younger? This is all due to youth, determined by the length of telomeres within the body that differ from person to person. If you would like to truly restore youth from inside-out, it is necessary to be aware of ‘telomeres’. This is because the lack of awareness that our telomeres are shortening at a faster rate than usual is normally the culprit for those whose body degenerates at faster rate than usual. Providing you with information on the importance of telomeres this article, in combination with how to correctly slow down aging by avoiding behaviors that affect telomere shortening.

Telomeres Signify the Body’s Actual Age; the Key to Anti-aging

A telomere is a genetic sequence found at the end of chromosomes in the body. It serves to protect the genome that often faces nucleolytic degradation or shortening as we age. Therefore, the shortening of telomeres has a direct effect on our cell’s youth, deterioration and aging.

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Reasons Behind the Shortening of our Telomeres

1. Our behaviors affect telomere shortening

The following behaviors that we carry out in our everyday lives stimulate the faster-than-average shortening of telomeres - a reason to premature aging : 

1.1 Responses to stress: Examples include stress, anger, worry, embarrassment or negative thinking. This may cause unaware accumulation of stress, affecting the body in the long run.

1.2 Prolonged lack of sleep: Sleeping cumulatively less than 7 hours negatively affects the body in many ways, including the shortening of telomeres.

1.3 Drinking alcohol and smoking: Regular intake of toxins to the body is another factor that directly affects telomere shortening.

1.4 Consuming certain foods that can affect telomere length: Examples include sugar, processed food such as sausages, meatballs and bacon etc.

1.5 Frequent infections or exposure to pollution: This results in lower immunity where our body is at higher risk of infection; telomere shortening is affected when our body is exposed to germs.

2. Telomere shortening as a result of natural aging

By nature, the body creates new cells to replace deteriorating ones. However, the creation of a new cell requires the division of existing cells at the cost of the ends of the chromosome such as telomeres. When a telomere has shortened and reached its limit, the existing cell will no longer be able to divide which causes it to eventually deteriorate and be destroyed. This makes it easier for us to fall sick, or age prematurely. Therefore, the length of telomeres can help to indicate whether a person is aging too quickly or according to their real age. The longer the telomere length, the better the effect on anti-aging, and the lower the risk of various diseases that may occur in the future. 

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You may be the same age, but your cells may not be

As telomere length can indicate the youthfulness and aging within the body, it can be said that the age of our cells differ from person to person. Many who live a lifestyle of drinking alcohol, consuming fried food or foods that are high in sugar, and not getting enough sleep often show obvious signs of aging at the onset of older age equating to worsened skin health, wrinkles and hair loss. These people are also more prone to degenerative diseases such as coronary heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer and diabetes as a result of premature cell aging as compared to your actual age. 

How do we know whether our body’s telomere length is reflective of our actual age? The answer to this question is that medical technology is able to measure the length of telomeres in order to forecast future health, as well as indicate any potential degeneration or aging within the body. This is done through a blood test without the need to refrain from water or food prior to testing. 

Avoid aging or falling ill with anti-aging care at a cellular level

Although aging is inevitable, this process can be slowed down by increasing the length of our telomeres. Making adjustments to our daily lifestyle can help to slow down or prevent telomere shortening; examples include mediation, exercising, consuming all 5 food groups, drinking water and getting enough sleep. At present, there is a new alternative to anti-aging using stem cells to help reduce the deterioration of cells within the body. Holistically slow down aging using stem cells to replace, repair and restore any deteriorated parts of the body; a sustainable method of anti-aging that relies on our body’s naturally-occuring mechanisms. 

The age of cells in your body may have already surpassed your actual age, and measurement of your telomere length is the only way to confirm whether this is the case. At R3 Life Wellness Center, we have a service to measure telomere length with experienced doctors specializing in stem cells for anti-aging. Make an appointment to receive consultation at any time during business hours.

For further information about  Anti-Aging Therapy, please click here. 

For more information or to make an appointment

R3 Life Wellness Center. No.42, ICP Building, 4th Floor, Surawong Road, Si Phraya Subdistrict, Bang Rak District, Bangkok 10500

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