Anti-aging Before Your Cells Deteriorate: When Lifestyles Accelerate Aging!


anti-aging with telomeres_R3 Wellness Center

Anti-aging Before Your Cells Deteriorate: When Lifestyles Accelerate Aging

In this era, everything around us often seems rushed to the point where we often neglect self-care or our health. This may lead to profound negative effects on the cells and telomere length, which have an effect on aging and indicates our body’s natural age. Over time, telomeres gradually get shorter in length according to different lifestyles.

How does a shorter telomere length affect health?

By nature, if any damage occurs within the body such as inflammations or injuries, cells in the body will divide in order to repair these areas at the cost of a shorter length of the chromosome known as Telomere. These telomeres will shrink continuously (about 50 times), after which it will not be able to continue to divide and will be destroyed according to its natural mechanism, which has an effect on health and premature aging. Modern lifestyles, in particular, accelerate the rate in which telomeres shorten. This also includes the lifestyles of those over 30 years of age who are beginning to experience premature aging, wrinkles, changed health, and the body’s slower regeneration process…

Behaviors that accelerate aging_Anti-aging_R3 Wellness Center

6 Risky Behaviors That Make You Age Faster Than Your Actual Age

1. Stress and Anxiety

If you want to age slowly, avoiding stress is essential because as soon as you stress, the body responds with a faster heartbeat, release of adrenaline and other hormones into the bloodstream, muscle spasms, and increased functioning of the metabolic system, etc. The longer we allow our body to remain stressed, the more our body is required to work.

2. Smoking

One of the main contributors to accelerated aging is a lifestyle that compromises health. In particular, the over 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes that are ready cause direct impact on the lungs, respiratory system, or even worse, the generation of blood cells, resulting in less nutrients being sent to the skin. Consequently, this could easily lead to premature aging, as well as directly damage other normal-functioning cells in the body and overall immunity

3. Being overweight and having high body fat

Excess weight is the root cause of various diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, etc. This causes the body's systems and cells to work harder, resulting in continuous telomere shortening due to cell division, resulting in the body aging prematurely faster than it should.

4.Drinking alcohol

Declining health or premature aging is often the result of toxic lifestyles. Due to the inability to digest alcohol completely, those that regularly drink alcohol will experience consequences to the liver. As a result, the alcohol residue becomes toxins that destroy the liver cells and impede the functioning of the liver. Eventually, the liver cells become chronically inflamed and eventually, unable to repair themselves.

5. Prolonged sleep deprivation or lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation or lack of sleep is not only the culprit to aging but also negatively affects the body at a hormonal level as the body reduces melatonin creation. Where in which melatonin plays an important role in protecting skin cells from premature aging as a result of various free radicals. Sleeping late every day for a prolonged period of time results in inflammation of cells and also accelerates the body’s aging process.

6. Fast food and highly fatty foods

Fast food that is high in fat will gradually build up on the artery walls, resulting in long-term negative effects on the heart and blood vessels. Furthermore, it also stimulates the creation of free radicals from unsaturated fatty acids, causing damage to various cells, as well as shortened telomere length.

R3 Life Wellness Center therefore recommends an alternative anti-aging method of Stem Cell Therapy with healing properties from natural cells, which has the benefit of protecting telomere length and restoring overall health.

For more details about Stem Cell Therapy, click here.

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R3 Life Wellness Center. No.42, ICP Building, 4th Floor, Surawong Road, Si Phraya Subdistrict, Bang Rak District, Bangkok 10500

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